Working hard for Writers in the East Midlands

Act 2 is a new writing company and development platform for playwrights, theatre-makers and other writers for performance based in the East Midlands. We help develop new stage work via supporting written dramaturgical notes on drafts, regular writers’ nights so work can be heard aloud informally and discussed and through rehearsed readings using professional actors and directors from the region.

Through this we aim to help writers move their scripts forward through a creative conversation with both us, other writers and the audience who come to see what we do. We describe Act 2 as a writer-led project where exciting things happen and we want you to get excited working with us.

Above are links to the different opportunities we run including our free regular writers’ night Write Club, our rehearsed reading-play producing strand Origins and the written feedback we support at Nottingham Playhouse. Also on our home page is our blog where we write about playwriting and dramaturgy.

Any questions or ant to speak to us about your writing? Well, get in touch via the contact form.